Monday, August 24, 2015

First Day of School reflections

Happy First Day of School to me!!! Today marks the start of my last year as an undergraduate student. Wow! The last four years have sure flown by quickly. I am excited to see what this year has to offer.

And as I look back on these last couple years, I have so many things that have brought me to where I am today. Here are the top picks:

  1. My parents. My prime support system. The ones I can call in any stage of excitement, frustration, sadness, anger, extreme focus, and yet they love me anyway and will always have my back. I am lucky to have the best set of parents I could ever ask for standing behind me.
  2. My friends, whether new or old, who have been there for me at some point in my life, even if we do not talk much any more. Those who supported my decisions wholeheartedly and those who may have questioned some of my ideas, I am thankful all the same. I look forward to making new friends this year.
  3. My teachers. Past, present, and future. Who would have thought that the shy little girl that sat in your class would be finishing her Bachelor's degree. I will never forget having a teacher tell my parents that "it is always the quiet ones you have to look out for." I may no longer be that quiet girl all the time anymore, but the fire still burns inside of me, and I have my teachers to thank.
  4. Camp. Two summers spent working in one of my favorite places in the world with some of the coolest people in the world. My decision to apply at camp was definitely a step out of my comfort zone, and as the summers progressed, that comfort zone began to grow. It definitely made me more comfortable to be who I truly am.
  5. Atlantis Project. The smartest, but definitely craziest, decision I have made in my college career. I never would have guessed I would travel to Spain, let alone leave the country, on an epic adventure and figure out which direction I wanted to go in life. It gave me more motivation to be successful and figure out what necessary steps I needed to take to pursue my dreams. (If you want more info, read the previous blog posts.) I could go on forever...
  6. Humboldt State University. Coming up here definitely was a great decision. I knew it was the right place for me when I visited. The atmosphere felt right. This school, while a struggle at times, has allowed me to have some of the greatest experiences, meet some of the coolest people, and see some of the most beautiful things. I have much more appreciation of the world around me. Never doubt a school like this, despite its reputation.

Here is to the start of a new year, with new opportunities, new frustrations, new experiences, and a more confident me.


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