Sunday, May 24, 2015

Let's get started...

So... I decided to give this whole blog thing a try as a way to record my summer (and maybe further) adventures and keep all those interested in my adventures up to date.

I guess I should start by introducing myself. My name is Kallie, and I am on the path to obtaining a Bachelors in Biology with a self-created emphasis in Human Anatomy and Physiology at Humboldt State University next year. I am still trying to figure out exactly what I want to be when I "grow up," and let me tell you, it is not easy. Someday, I will figure it out.

If you did not know, I have been given the opportunity for an experience of a lifetime. In two weeks, I will be in Ourense, Spain with a group of other students from all over America (and maybe other places) to spend four weeks shadowing in a local hospital. This internship is set up for Pre-Med students, or those with interest in medicine, to gain hospital experience in order to solidify career direction and boost resumes and Med School applications. The program through which I am doing this is called Atlantis Project, and they set up a relationship with hospitals in Spain and Portugal in order for students to come and shadow, getting a taste of European healthcare. As a way to give back to the community, us students will be teaching English.

I am so excited for this opportunity. It is definitely going to be a growing experience for me, a way to see the world and journey into the unknown. Most people would never guess I would be doing anything like this, but I am not really up for following what everyone thinks I should be doing.

This is about all I know for now. More updates to come when I know more.

Love Always,
(Ourense is in the top left corner)